15-27 Greig Crescent
It has come to our attention that there are several bogus websites including the addresses of https://www.nanfungltd.com and https://www.lp10-nanfung.com (the “Bogus Websites”) purporting to impersonate the websites of the Nan Fung Group (“our Group”) or claiming to be an affiliated website of our Group by even unauthorisedly reproducing substantial parts of the contents of our Group’s websites as their own, with a view to deceiving members of the public into making investments through these Bogus Websites or their respective operators.
Please note that these Bogus Websites are not operated by any member of our Group and have no connection whatsoever with our Group.
Disclaimer: Please note that none of the company members of our Group and none of our directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever and howsoever caused for any loss or damage suffered (whether directly or indirectly) by anyone who visits any of the Bogus Websites or makes any investment or payment whatsoever to or through any of the Bogus Website or any of their respective operators (howsoever made) or has any dealings or otherwise enters into any transaction whatsoever with any of the Bogus Website or any of their respective operators.